Creating an Empty Project


In this page, you will create an empty CMake project and link the inference library into your project.

Setting up CMake

Now in your working directory, create a directory named ‘mbase_simple_project’ and go into that directory:

mkdir mbase_simple_project

In that directory, open your favorite IDE or using terminal, create two files given as:

  • CMakeLists.txt

  • main.cpp

cd mbase_simple_project
touch CMakeLists.txt
touch main.cpp

Now, properly configure your CMakeLists.txt by setting up a project and minimum version etc.

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.15...3.31)
project("mbase_simple_project" LANGUAGES CXX)

Then create an executable named simple_project target for main.cpp.

add_executable(simple_project main.cpp)

Then, we will set the C++ version as 17 (as long as the minimum is 17, higher versions are fine) and then, we will find the MBASE libraries and link the inference library and specify the include path. Here is how you do it:

find_package(mbase.libs REQUIRED COMPONENTS std inference)

target_compile_features(simple_project PUBLIC cxx_std_17)
target_link_libraries(simple_project PRIVATE mbase-std mbase-inference)
target_include_directories(simple_project PUBLIC mbase-std mbase-inference)

After all those operations, your CMakeLists.txt should look like this:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.15...3.31)
project("mbase_simple_project" LANGUAGES CXX)

add_executable(simple_project main.cpp)

find_package(mbase.libs REQUIRED COMPONENTS std inference)

target_compile_features(simple_project PUBLIC cxx_std_17)
target_link_libraries(simple_project PRIVATE mbase-std mbase-inference)
target_include_directories(simple_project PUBLIC mbase-std mbase-inference)

Setting up main.cpp

After we set cmake configuration, as a hello world, we will print the names of the devices that are available on our system using the inference library to see if everything works correctly and libraries are linked properly. Here is how we do it:

#include <mbase/inference/inf_device_desc.h>
#include <mbase/vector.h>
#include <iostream>

int main()
    mbase::vector<mbase::InfDeviceDescription> deviceDesc = mbase::inf_query_devices();

    for(mbase::vector<mbase::InfDeviceDescription>::iterator It = deviceDesc.begin(); It != deviceDesc.end(); It++)
        std::cout << It->get_device_description() << std::endl;

    return 0;

After you run this program, you will see the available devices in your system for inference.


If you have an NVIDIA GPU and its is not being displayed by the program, make sure you have installed the necessary drivers and installed the llama.cpp library with proper configuration.

Refer to: Setting up For bundled install: Download

Possible Shared Library Errors

If the program is not run due to a shared library or dll not found error, Make sure to set the shared lib path for unix or for the windows keep the dlls in the same directory as your executable.

UNIX Short-term Fix

Run this in the terminal session where you run the program.


UNIX Long-term Fix

In long-term fix, we will modify our bash config file (assuming ~/.bashrc) and put the export line there. Open your ~/.bashrc and put that line:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Too apply changes and keep your session:

source ~/.bashrc

Windows Short-term Fix

Copy and paste the dlls that are produced by installing llama.cpp and MBASE.

  • llama.cpp dll location (drag-drop all dlls): C:/Program Files (x86)/llama.cpp/bin

  • MBASE libraries dll location (drag-drop all dlls): C:/Program Files (x86)/mbase.libs/bin

Windows Long-term Fix

In windows, you need to add the paths of binaries to your PATH variable.

  • llama.cpp dll location (drag-drop all dlls): C:/Program Files (x86)/llama.cpp/bin

  • MBASE libraries dll location (drag-drop all dlls): C:/Program Files (x86)/mbase.libs/bin